Storage of coating plates
The coating plates should before stripping be stored for at least 24 hrs. in room temperature.
- The ideal storage temperature is between 18-22 °C / 65-72°F
- The humidity should be between 50-55%.
- Protect the coating plate from light and moisture.
- Shelf life under recommended conditions will be one year.
- Please the coating plate flat stored and not rolled !!!
Cutting and stripping instructions of the STRIP PLATE®
- Cutting into the blue top layer, please don´t damage the carrier foil with the knife.
- Dont take a dull knife. If you cut the plate manually we recommend to take a metal ruler.
- Best peel results you will have when you cut max. 5 cm stripes before peeling.
- Raise the stripe with the tool and start to peel slowly in a flat angle for an optimal result.
- Fast Pulling away of the top layer could deform or destroy the carrier foil.
Don´t hesitate to contact us if you have questions.